Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Free College?

Although "FREE COLLEGE" sounds like a very good idea, it is mostly likely not going to happen any time soon, especially with a Republican Congress...However, Obama is still going to push this idea in his State of the Union Address. He proposed a plan to work with states to make community college education free for two years of study. As a large supporter of the value of education, I think it's a pretty good idea!

How are we going to pay for this initiative you ask? No need to think very hard on this, it's the obvious answer - TAXES. Obama offered a tax proposal to cover the cost of this program.
According to Obama, the tax increases would only affect the wealthiest 1% of Americans, which sounds fine to me. It's time for big corporations to start giving back!

What would be the effects of this initiative? Results are questionable. According to statistics, people with associate's degrees, on average, still make lower in weekly earnings than the median wage. This brings up the question, "what's the point?" According to statistics, you need at least a bachelor's degree to make more than the median wage. This is true, however, with this initiative, more opportunities are available and make four year's worth of higher education much more affordable and accessible. 

All in all, I'd support this kind of education reform. With all this exposure that this initiative is getting from the media, it would be a great platform for a future Democratic candidate for president to run on. Hopefully, this will be the first step in lowering the tuition costs of all higher learning institutions
